Depth and Breadth

Just a little bit about me that I didn’t include in other sections, but that you might appreciate knowing.
Since deciding that practicing psychotherapy was right for me, I have learned a lot of what the field has to offer...and a lot about where it felt to come-up short. Out of my own longing for genuine and lasting happiness, I was, and still continue to be drawn towards the “non-dual” wisdom of the philosophies and spiritualities of the east.
One of the big takeaways from the work and academic experiences (listed below) is that while western psychology alone doesn’t go far enough towards understanding the nature of lasting happiness, eastern philosophy can often lack the particulars in overcoming our individual hang-ups. Because of this understanding, I feel that I can offer a groundedness and positive direction in the therapy process that often doesn’t exist, and an effortless freedom in the art of enjoying the moment that is similarly difficult to find in a spiritual setting.
Below are some of the work and academic experiences I feel are relevant.
I completed my graduate practica in a chronic pain program and in a pediatric neuropsychology assessment setting. Internship and post-doctoral fellowship were at university counseling centers (IU-Bloomingon, and UW-Madison), respectively. I worked as a staff psychologist at UW-Madison Counseling and Conslutation Services for over 4 years before starting in private practice.
I have studied and practiced meditation and mindfulness for nearly 20 years.
I have read the works of Thich Naht Hanh, A.H. Almass, Jon Kabatt Zin, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, Sri Maharaji Nisargadatta, Jeff Foster, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, and many more. I have learned directly from teachers such as Russ Hudson, and Madison's own Swami Alan Ajaya. I have participated in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course, and numerous courses at our local Shambhala Center.
I have completed trainings in Hakomi Therapy and EMDR, which are both mindfulness-based.
I want you to be matched with the best therapist for YOU. Why not give me a call or send me an email? I'm happy to talk with you on the phone for a brief, initial conversation, free of charge.

Scott L. Fenton, PsyD
Madison, WI 53716
- 608-628-3963
- 608-501-0978